Composer / Arranger Sell price Range / Level Catalog Subcategory
My Hope Is in the Lord Mason, Gordon $8.00 Moderate Adv. Brass Horn
Joy to the World Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Joy in Serving Jesus Parker, Mark M. $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Jesus Paid It All Nichols, Richard A. $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Jesus Loves Me Turner, Jess $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
It Is Well with My Soul Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Ijames, Molly $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Holy, Holy, Holy Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Shevy, Brigette $8.00 Moderate Adv. Brass Horn
Great Is Thy Faithfulness Ijames, Molly $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Face to Face Harper, David $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Crown Him with Many Crowns Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Come Thou Fount Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Adv. Brass Horn
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Nichols, Richard A. $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Angels We Have Heard on High Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
And Can It Be? Christianson, Glenn $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
America the Beautiful Ijames, Molly $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Amazing Grace Sprunger, Gina Young $8.00 Moderate Brass Horn
It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Nichols, Richard A. $7.00 Moderate Brass Horn
Trust and Obey Bonam, Rebecca $6.00 Moderate Adv. Brass Horn
