Composer / Arranger Sell price Range / Level Catalog Subcategory
Christ Arose Nichols, Richard A. $3.95 Moderate Woodwind Bassoon
Christ Arose Nichols, Richard A. $3.95 Moderate Brass Trombone
Christ Arose Nichols, Richard A. $3.95 Moderate Strings Violin
Hallelujah! What a Savior! Smith, David E. $3.50 Easy Woodwind Oboe
Hallelujah! What a Savior! Smith, David E. $3.50 Easy Brass Trumpet
Hallelujah! What a Savior! Smith, David E. $3.50 Easy Strings Violin
In Earth’s Darkest Hour Came the Light Fuller, Heidi $3.50 Moderate Choral SATB Choir
In the Garden Fritchie, Wayne $7.00 Moderate Strings Mixed Group
Lily of the Valley Everson, Dana F. $9.00 Advanced Woodwind Flute
Near the Cross Everson, Dana F. $4.00 Moderate Brass Trumpet
Near The Cross Everson, Dana F. $4.00 Moderate Strings Cello
